According to British reports, along with technological development and social progress of society, people have a deeper knowledge of a large number of nature happenings. But to some other questions remained until now scientists are still unable to give answers and explanations. Like:
1. Do dogs have a sense of humor?
Scientists studied the intelligence of animals, they increasingly recognize such a view: animal behavior is not just react instinctively, but a subconscious reaction, the substance of their thinking makes it have the ability to feel love, anger, sadness and joy and even a sense of humor through the sensor organs.
For example, researchers have found, that elephants can recognize themselves in mirrors (many children who may not be able to do as such) orang utan (or perhaps some birds) can learn a number of beginning-level language and make a complicated equipment.
It is conceivable, if the bird can make a hook (hook) with electric wire, to be used to associate the food from the can, then is not so cruel when using them as an experiment that torture?
2. What about the origins of life?
If you want to make a biologist, you simply ask how the origin of life. Since 150 years ago, Darwin was thinking and he thinks that all life on earth comes from the "prebiotic soup". But until now, we're still thinking about the origins of life.
We do not know the variety of knowledge relating to the origin of life, such as how the first, where and when life began, and what is life from life to death took place only once or repeatedly, and so forth.
Some scientists suspect that life came from underground, or around the lips volcano. Medium other scientists suspect, that a single microbe was the ancestor of all living things on earth. Less is more in the 3 billion years ago, when Mars was warm and moist, while Earth is only a cold desert, this single microbes fly to Earth along with the crushed rock explosion of the planet Mars. According to this view, means that we are all human beings from the planet Mars. But until now, all these allegations have never been proven. So can not convince people. The origin of life, most likely represents the most enigmatic mysteries of the universe.
3. What is the inner reaction just nonsense?
Most scientists say do not believe with abnormal phenomena, because these phenomena are normal and not violate the principle can be explained through experiments. But if we can say that crystal therapy (using crystal energy for "Magnetic Field organism" human body back in a state of "balanced" and the inner reaction that is nonsense?)
"The phenomenon of abnormal" include power Gamma (δ), "spiritual", a new era babble (New Century), horoscopes, divination cards / tarot, scientists have reason assume that the abnormal phenomenon is a pseudo science. But scientists on the contrary, they are careful and rational in science, often publish their latest research findings in leading Science magazine. "
But when the crystal therapy and technique is believed horoscope only as an entertainment and not a science, then what about the inner reaction, acupuncture therapy and hypnosis techniques? This still needs to be studied scientifically. And of course, thought the reaction might also be evidenced as a bird news, who knows? no matter what the outcome, should attempt to discover the real facts.
4. What time is it?
If you want to make a physicist, ask him: "What is time?" Because, we will not know the answer.
There is a rumor that said, time is a magical weapon that prevents any objects of nature activities simultaneously. Time can define our lives, because we rely on time to measure life. But in terms of what it is time, we just like the ancients, also did not know anything. And of course, this does not mean we do not know what has been done time. Physicists like Einstain, where in the characteristics of the view that the time had. So we can give a sign at the time, and enter into the equation are not the same, so that we can examine a large number of phenomena and draw conclusions.
However, this can not yet tell us exactly what time. Is it a "river" that flows from the past to the future? if yes, then the river is it? What pushed him to move and based on what the current speed of the river flows? if time is a river, what can flow onto the river through this? and whether we can completely stop the flow of this river flowing?
Fiction novelist says it allows. What we wonder is, physicists also think like this. But before we create a time machine, we should know very well against a difficult time at the touch and easy to disappear in this glance. Until the last day, we will uncover the mysteries of this mysterious. But if so, it certainly would appear even more mystery. Perhaps the only consolation is decent, if one day we can reveal all mysteries, and if it is really solved, then everything would be bland.
5. Why obesity from increasing day by day?
At 100 years ago, in the world there is hardly a single case of obesity, for 100 years, obesity has become a crisis that no unmatched in the history of human disease. If calculated according to the current situation, we are getting overweight.
Because obesity is very clear: eating too much, lack of exercise. But the condition is not as simple as this. First rarely know, in a large number of countries "obesity" in the west, such as the United States, the heat thrown people far less heat than is spent on people 50 years ago. Compared with those in 1950 ago, we rarely walk, which replace the large number of motor vehicles. Obesity began to flourish since 1980, compared to when it is, sports are much less done.
A large number of scientists are convinced that behind the proliferation of obesity must be buried a deep mystery. Some scientists have said that obesity may be caused by a virus, or can be explained by genetic science.
6. Do people can stay young?
What can we stay young? possibly can, maybe not. Prevent aging is one thing that most do not like to talk to scientists, because this can cause a series of problems such as moral and logic, or the things that real headache.
First, in reality we do not know what aging actually is. In our view, when we are old, or the physical body itself will also go dark. But the fact is not so. First 20 years of age our lives, our physical day by day increasingly contain and strong, the function of our bodies we are becoming more and more effective, more powerful disease-fighting capabilities. However, why in the days following (older), it becomes very opposite?
According to evolutionary theory of aging, why does the function of our bodies begin to experience aging is estimated at 30-50 years old men will die from cold, hunger and death in wild tiger's mouth and so forth. But if we can not live so long, we did not need evolution, to deal with pain during old age. But this can not explain, where when we get old, what changes have changed the "clock" gene, so that makes our skin becomes dry, a white hair, bones become brittle. Only after we find out exactly what caused this change only allows to take measures against aging.
But we will face a moral issue: are we willing to live in a world that human beings will not be old forever? or in other words, are we really willing to live in a world like that if only a small number of elite society that just fortunate to be able to enjoy this ageless treatment?
7. A minute ago I do the same with me now?
"Do I still like a minute ago?" This sounds like a very strange question! But this is one of the most troublesome problem in the whole world of science and philosophy. That is a matter of recognition of identity. On the surface, the answer clearly is: "it is definitely, I'm the same person in a minute ago. But try again ponder for a moment. "
10 minutes ago, all the things that made every cell in your brain is totally different from the things that made your brain cells now. Every few years ago, your body is almost completely replaced once. Does Cutty Sark can be made back with a new timber and a variety of new components, whether it will exactly match the Cutty Sark which sailed over the sea at it 150 years ago? Against this, the answer purification theory is: "No". That way, you are no longer your childhood was. This question shows, that our consideration of the individual is always in contradiction with the real atmosphere going on. And how do we recognize the identity of one same person, whether based on DNA or other something more nebulous again?
7 hardest question for scientist
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Age of Ancient Bird Fossil Found in China
The fossil was found in the paelontolog China and Britain from the edge of the lake in the forest around the northern part of Hebei Province during the expedition in 2005-2006. The scientists gave the name which means Eoconfuciusornis zhengi Confucius bird.
"Eoconfuciusornis provide new piece in the puzzle of evolution from Archaeopteryx to be more advanced birds," said Zhou Zhong, co-author of the study report from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing.
Conditions are intact fossils probably because the bird is submerged into the lake and buried by sediment in the bottom of the lake in the Cretaceous Era between 120 million years until 131 million years. Over millions of years buried, their bodies undergo a process of fossilization and preserved in fossilized sediments.
His figure was very similar to modern birds with feathered wing shape and symmetrical arrangement of tail feathers. Fur color varies from brown and black that could be the actual color or changes color from blue, red, and yellow like a modern bird.
Characteristics are more like modern birds than Archaepteryx who still has the physical characteristics of dinosaurs, such as teeth and long bony tail. Bone and muscle structure also supports the ability to fly more nimble maneuvers. However, both may share the same weakness fly from a flat surface, so easy to attack the opponent.
The animal probably lived in trees and has a nail and a long tail feathers that are important to help balance the body while perched on the branch. He seemed to glide to the surface of the lake astute to catch fish as prey
Researchers Find Evidence of Mass Destruction in the Past
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Fossils of ancient dolphins found in Louping |
MP3 rocket
Basically, you define a shared folder, search for files, download them and keep them around for others to download to their PCs. It works quite well--there are tons of MP3 files available--however, in my short perusal there were still the numerous malware and ad-ridden downloads that LimeWire suffered.
The MP3 Rocket Web site makes it appear as if you have to pay money for MP3 Rocket; however, you click on the tiny developer link at the bottom of the screen and choose Get Basic, or simply download here for the free version. The $20 pro version removes the nags and ads and promises 25% faster downloads. As long as you're aware that the vast majority of the files you'll find are infringing on copyrights in one way or another, go right ahead--there's still a thriving Gnutella community out there.
Tip: Don't download MP3 files that look undersized, say less than 2MB. It's most likely not the file you want and probably contains an embedded URL that takes you to a Web site, possibly a dangerous one.
The Longest Name of Place
Weird, right?It name is Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg.How to read it? Let alone you, the locals gave up each time asked to pronounce a name that consists of 45 letters (if you do not believe please count yourself).
So, the simple locals call the lake with an easy name spelled: Lake Webster.
Because it is so complicated collection of letters to be read and written so often happened mistake and spelling, not least on the board of directions to the location of the lake.
For the mistake, thus proclaimed the Associated Press, Tuesday (21 / 4), local officials agreed to soon fix it, in line with the results of a combination of historical research about the strange spelling.
As the results of research Telegram & Gazette Worcester, the letter "o" in the letter to-20 should be "u" and "h" in the letter to the 38th should be "n". Well.
Just so you know, too, about the unique name that saves a lot of myths. One myth says that the long word that has meaning: "You're fishing at your side, I was fishing at my side, and no one is fishing in the middle."
The lake is the main fishing spots are located in the border area of residence several native tribes, and is the location of meetings of the various paths that a tribal transportation facilities around the lake. Based on these reasons, these funds are also often used as a meeting place.
The tribes of Algonkin speakers have some name for this lake that can be recorded on old maps and historical records. However, all names diguanakan most have a similar meaning. Among the ancient name used for this lake there are names like "Chabanaguncamogue" and "Chaubanagogum".
A map of the town of Dudley in 1795 to write the name of this lake as Chargoggaggoggmanchoggagogg. Lake survey conducted in 1830 to write the name of this lake as Chaubunagungamaugg (old name). The following year, in Dudley and Oxford city maps that are neighbors, the lake was written as a Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg.
Why Spicy foods make our eye watery?
But for some people, eating spicy foods can cause watery eyes and nose. Why is that?
In addition to flavor food, a spicy chili to make the body healthy. Spicy taste and burning sensation caused by chili produced high concentrations of the active ingredient called capsaicin.
Capsaicin is a chemical derived from natural vegetable. This material is used by the chili for the defense system itself so as not to be eaten by predators such as animals.
Capsaicin has been widely studied for the effect of reducing pain, good for the cardiovascular benefits, weight loss and help prevent ulcers. In addition, capsaicin is also what makes the eyes and noses of people who eat watery. Why?
Reporting from WHFoods, this is because capsaicin can stimulate the secretion of mucus that help cope with stuffy noses, congested lungs, and also of course make people as if crying because her eyes were watery.
Spicy taste that can stimulate the secretion of mucus, making good chili to prevent and treat sinusitis, helping to reduce nasal congestion, flu and breathing difficulties.
Not only that, watery eyes when eating spicy foods can also be caused due to the irritation of the mucous membrane (mucous membrane) that is in the eye.
When it comes in contact with mucous membranes, such as skin or eyes, it will cause burning sensation capsaicin. And if affects the eye, will make people cry.
Professions Some Figures Before They Were Famous
Sylvester Stallone
Sylvester Stallone was once worked as a lion cage cleaner. And in the early career playing porn movie entitled 'Party at Kitty and Stud's'.
Dan Brown
Best seller book sellers DaVinci Code, formerly worked as high school teacher in london.
Benito Mussolini
Before becoming a famous figure in the era of World War II, Mussolini worked as a writer of social newspaper, Il Popolo d'Italia, which later made his writing a novel.
Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro was a pitcher in baseball in 1946. In 1959, he and his family took over Cuba.
Bill Gates
Formerly a congressional office boy in Washington state Capitol.
William Watkins
CEO of Seagate Technology, formerly worked as a mental hospital guard night schedule.
Sidney Kimmel
Founder and current chairman of Jones Apparel Group, formerly worked as a registrar at the Morton Manufacturing shipments.
Bill Murray
Open stand in front of grocery stores to sell peanuts.
Rush Limbaugh
Guide his speech on the radio and U.S. political commentator, was once a shoeshine.
Robin Williams
Formerly a phantomin streets.
Jerry Seinfeld
It used to work as a salesman light bulbs over the phone.
Demi Moore
Working in crediting agency
Formerly working behind the Dunkin Donuts counter.
Jennifer Aniston
Formerly a waitress who then work as a receptionist at a company Businees development.
Brad Pitt
Formerly worked as carpenters pull icebox and wear chicken costume for El Pollo Loco restaurant, to pay for acting classes.
Garth Brooks
Formerly a salesman in a bookstore, just a month before the world famous Country music.
Jack Nicholson
'Found' in space checking mail at MGM.
Stephen King
What was once a janitor, was cleaning the locker woman who later inspired him to write a novel entitled "Carrie."
Rod Stewart, the grave Digger
Rod Stewart had been a test player Celtics soccer club, and Brentford. Later he worked as a grave digger. Then he turned to music career to join the singer Wizz Jones in the 1960s as an itinerant singer, this is what caused him to be deported from Spain.
Michael Dell, the diswasher
Michael Dell, founder and board of directors of the company Dell Computer, was the dishwasher at a Chinese restaurant with an income of $ 2.3 per hour.
Pol Pot, the School Teacher
Before becoming a war criminal, Pol Pot, who was once named Saloth Sar, a teacher in Phnom Penh. You will not think teachers in your classroom is a butcher.
Oprah Winfrey, the young reporter
Oprah Winfrey was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi, formerly worked as news reporter who has an income of $ 100 per week. Try to compare it with an income of millions of dollar now.
Hitler, a German Fuhrer in power, used to have a profession as a greeting card artist (Postcard Painter) and canvas paintings.
Steve Jobs
The boss of Apple Inc, Pixar and Walt Disney was once a scavenger bottle cap and a clown for a birthday event.
Jackie Chan
Famous Asian actors in Hollywood, was once just a stuntman, and before starring in his first film, he had worked in Australia as a restaurant waiter and construction workers.
Sea Lamprey. What is it??
Petromyzon Marinus, sea lamprey, sea eel or fish blood sucking leeches. (
A number of Canadian researchers who study the whale's life trying to prove the theory that the sea eel attached to the whale's body for the ride is simply wrong.
Sea lampreys or Petromyzon Marinus (sea eel name it), often seen attached to the whale's body. This eel has a similar funnel mouth full of teeth and tongue like a razor blade.
From a few sightings, eels were seen attached to the humpback whales in the Pacific Ocean region. As for the northern Atlantic, he was often seen attached to the whale.
Based on a rare appearance, some scientists theorize that the sea lamprey feed on whale skin. Some other scientists believe that sea lampreys bite the whale so they can be delivered to distant places separated by oceans.
However, having studied at the St. Lawrence estuary, where the lake meets the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean in eastern Canada, researchers finally have the answer.
"Lampreys attached to the whale to bite deep into the skin to suck blood, not only sekadarn riding trip," said Ursula Tscherter, Project Director, Foundation for Marine Environment Research, as quoted by the BBC, January 19, 2010.
Tscherter mentioned, the number of minke whale sightings in the area of the St. Lawrence estuary enable this research. "Whereas before, stick leeches on the body of the whale species is not widely known," said Tscherter.
Researchers then took the photo when the whale's body looks, before and after the leech is attached.
From the photographs obtained, shows that in places that once attached by the eels were found injured and bleeding. "This is the first evidence that the parasite is eating of whale blood," said Tscherter.
Petromyzon Marinus, or often referred to as the vampire fish was first discovered by accident in the Great Lakes lake region in the 1800s. Just as salmon, sea lamprey was born in freshwater, migrate to sea as adults and return to freshwater to breed and die.
In some lakes in northern America, eel or leeches have also been considered as pests. In 1930 until the 1940s, Petromyzon Marinus responsibility as a trigger factor plunging fish populations.
Although not attack humans, but never were the case that a swimmer bitten and sucked her blood by petromyzon Marinus. Although not until the turn off, but the eel could be released after the swimmer was brought up onto land.
Now the researchers continue to observe the sea lamprey's life to understand more about the species to be able to control the population that continues to soar and threaten the survival of some species of fish.
The Origin Of HIV/AIDS
The first AIDS case was found in the U.S. in 1981, but these cases provide little information about the source of this disease. Now there is clear evidence that AIDS is caused by a virus known as HIV. So to find the source of AIDS we need to find the origin of HIV.
The origin of HIV is not just about academic problems, because not only understand where it came from the virus but also how this virus is grown to be important to develop an HIV vaccine and more effective treatment. Also, knowledge about how the AIDS epidemic arose be important in determining the shape of the epidemic in the future as well as develop education and prevention programs are effective.
This type of virus is HIV?
HIV is part of a family or a group of viruses called lentiviruses. Lentiviruses such as HIV is found in a wide range of non-human primates. Another lentivirus, known collectively as the monkey virus known as SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus) in which the subscript indicates the origin of species.
So where HIV originated? Is HIV originated from SIV?
It is now generally accepted that HIV is a descendant of SIV. Specific SIV types similar to HIV-1 and HIV-2, two types of HIV.
For example, HIV-2 can be equated with the SIV found in sooty mangabey monkeys (SIVsm), sometimes known as green monkeys originating from western Africa.
The more virulent strains of HIV, namely HIV-1, until recently very difficult to be classified. Until 1999, the most similar is known SIV that infects chimpanzees (SIVcpz), but there are significant differences between SIVcpz and HIV.
So what happened in 1999? Are chimps now known as the origin of HIV?
In February 1999 it was announced that a group of researchers from the University of Alabama, in the U.S., has studied frozen tissue from a chimpanzee and find the type of virus (SIVcpz) is almost identical to HIV-1. Chimpanzees are from sub-group of chimpanzees known as Pan troglodyte troglodyte who once common in west-central Africa.
The researchers assert that this shows chimpanzees are the source of HIV-1, and this virus at some point crossed species from chimpanzees to humans. However, it is not clear whether the chimpanzee is the original source of HIV-1 because chimpanzees are rarely infected with SIVcpz. Therefore there is a good possibility chimps and humans are infected from a third party, namely a primate species that are still not recognizable. In any case, at least need two separate transfer to humans.
How is HIV can cross the species?
It has long been known that certain viruses can pass from animals to humans, and this process is known as zoonosis.
Researchers from the University of Alabama suggests that HIV can cross over from chimpanzees as chimpanzees kill and eat human flesh.
Several other theories are debated opinion that HIV moved in iatrogenic (caused by medical negligence party), for example through medical experiments. One well-circulated theory is that polio vaccines played a role in this movement, because the vaccine made using monkey kidneys.
But what is important in various kinds of theory is the question of when the transfer took place.
Is there a fact when the transfer took place?
Over the last few years allows not only to determine whether HIV is present in the blood, but also determine the virus subtype. Research on the virus subtype, of HIV infection in early cases may give clues about when HIV first attack humans and subsequent developments.
Three of the earliest HIV infection are as follows:
Examples of plasma (blood fluid) taken from an adult male who lived in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1959.
HIV found in tissue samples from an African-American youth who died in St. Louis, USA, 1969.
HIV found in tissue samples from a Norwegian sailor who died around 1976.
The analysis conducted in 1998 on plasma samples from 1959 suggests that HIV-1 into humans around the 1940s or early 1950s, earlier than previously thought. Other scientists predict even longer, probably about 100 years ago or more.
What is known in which HIV in humans appear?
Now many people think because of HIV seen develop from one type of SIV found in chimpanzees in West African type, this means that HIV first appeared in humans in there. Then presumed that HIV spread from Africa to the world.
However, as discussed above, chimpanzees are not necessarily the original source of HIV and there is a possibility the virus crossed over to humans, more than one occasion. So perhaps also HIV arise at the same time in both South America and Africa, or even appear in the American continent before appearing in Africa.
We may never know exactly when and where the virus first appeared, but certainly at some time in the mid 20s this century, HIV infection in humans developed into a worldwide epidemic that is currently better known as AIDS .
What caused the epidemic spread of a sudden?
There are several factors that can support the deployment was so sudden, including international travel, blood industry, and drug use is widespread.
International Travel
The role played by international travel in the spread of HIV is highlighted in the case now known as 'Patient Zero' (original patients). Patient Zero was a Canadian citizen airplane steward named Gaëtan Dugas and the frequent travel throughout the world.Analysis of several cases of early AIDS-infected persons showed that these are people who have sex either directly or indirectly by this steward. These cases are found in several U.S. cities this shows the role of international travel in the spread of HIV. It also suggests that this disease may be caused by a substance spreader.
Blood Industry
While blood transfusions became a routine part of medical treatment, the blood industry to meet the demand for blood also increases. In some countries like the U.S., people who get paid to donate blood, including intravenous drug users. The blood obtained was then sent to the entire world. Also, in the late 1960s began to take advantage of hemophiliacs blood clotting, called Factor VIII.
To produce the clotting substances, the blood collected from thousands of donors that increase the likelihood of these products contaminated with HIV. Because Factor VIII spread around the world, there are likely many hemophiliacs exposed to new infections.
Use of Drugs
In the 1970s found increased availability of heroin along with the Vietnam war and other conflicts in the Middle East, which encourages the growth of injecting drug use.Increasing the provision and development tools, disposable plastic syringes and the construction of shooting gallery (where injecting drugs) where people can buy drugs and rent equipment to be another way of spreading the virus.
What other theories about the origin of HIV?
Other theories put forward about the origin of HIV, including the many conspiracy theories. Some people with HIV impressive made by the CIA, although others consider that the genetically engineered HIV.
Original article: The Origin Of HIV
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